Skunks are well-known for their odor and ability to spray a powerful defense when frightened. They are wild animals that are often viewed with disdain and repulsion by homeowners as they dig holes, destroy gardens and burrow under sheds and decks. They are also notorious for urinating in your backyard and for attacking your pets when they feel threatened.
Skunk repellents such as predator urine, mothballs and ammonia can be purchased at most hardware stores. However, these products are ineffective and many people find they can do more harm than good. It is also important to avoid poisoning skunks as they will almost always spray when killed and this can be very dangerous for humans and pets. Instead, live trapping is the most humane and effective method of getting rid of skunks from under porches or sheds.
If a skunk has made a home under your porch remove skunks from under the porch, you can usually tell because the droppings they leave behind will be quite noticeable. Skunk poop is black and has a white stripe across it. Skunks are nocturnal creatures, but you might see them during the daytime if they are searching for food or shelter. If you do happen to see a skunk during the daytime, it could be rabid and should be dealt with immediately by calling your local animal department or a wildlife expert. Look for signs of rabidity such as circling movements, disorientation and weakness in the legs.
A skunk may have entered your yard to build a den and give birth. If you see a skunk under your deck between the months of April and September, it is likely that a mother and her babies are living there. In this case, you will want to be patient and let them go. They will eventually move on their own once the babies are old enough to survive outside. If you do not want to wait, you can make it unpleasant for them to stay by blocking any access points to your yard with a steel mesh barrier or wood or concrete blocks.
There are several methods that can be used to scare skunks away from your property, but the most effective is noise and light. Put a radio near the entrance to their den and tune it to a 24/7 talk-radio station. The sound of voices will disturb them and cause them to relocate from their den under your porch.
If you have tried all of the above and the skunk still does not leave on its own, then try stuffing or taping a piece of newspaper over the entrance to their den. If the paper stays in place for 3 days and nights then it is safe to assume that the skunk has left and has moved on. You can then block the entrance to their den with steel mesh or concrete blocks. Alternatively, you can use fire-safe bright lighting to shine on their den or place one-way doors over their entrances to give them the signal that they are unwanted guests.